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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

No time to excercise?

Courtesy of Catholicmom.com 

No Time for Exercise? Time to Re-evaluate

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No Time for Exercise? Time to Re-evaluate

No Time for Exercise? Time to Re-evaluate

“I’m too busy”. That’s the reason that most people cite when referencing why that don’t exercise. You probably hear people say this nearly every day. Heck, you may even tell yourself that to justify why you went to bed without spending any time working out. But justifications are not truly “reasons”. In reality they are just excuses.
But when you really look at the facts – the amount of time you need for an effective workout – then that excuse simply doesn’t hold water. Many people think 60 minutes or more is what is required for a workout session. That’s where the root of the issue may begin. It’s no wonder people mistakenly think they don’t have time for exercise. Then they rationalize their “excuse” and one missed workout session quickly becomes a month of missed workouts.

And one month of doing something (or in this case NOT doing something), is considered a habit. Habits can be difficult to break and can lead to long term changes. That habit of not working out can lead to long-term health issues like heart disease.
But, there is a simple solution found in the facts. The fact is that you do NOT have to commit 60 minutes a day to working out. There have been many reputable studies conducted on the effects of short workout sessions versus long ones.  These studies have proven that shorter workouts can be as effective as long ones.

One study example was conducted by the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The objective of the study was to determine whether several short bouts of exercise versus one long one per day would enhance exercise adherence, cardiorespiratory fitness, and weight loss. The results showed that short bouts of exercises made the individuals more likely to stick to the exercise plan while also improving the weight loss results.
What does this mean to you? It means it is definitely time to throw out the “I’m too busy” excuse. Start thinking outside of the gym. You don’t have to devote an hour per day to exercise in order to reap the benefits. Get creative with your schedule. Perhaps you could do a 10 minute workout in the morning and then a 15 to 20 minute workout in the evening. Doesn’t that sound a lot easier to schedule than hunting for an hour in your day to commit to exercise?

Skeptical that you can be effective in just 10 minutes? Give it a try and you will be surprised. In 10 minutes you can do a comprehensive, effective strength training workout. In 10 minutes you could run a whole mile. 20 minutes of a boot camp workout will have you sweating.
Today is the day to make a contract with yourself that you will no longer use the “I’m too busy to exercise” excuse!
Copyright 2013 Lynn Bode

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