We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

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Friday, May 31, 2013

21 Days of Gods Tender Words

I found this awesome freebie from www.annspangler.com, called 21 Days of Gods Tender Words. Everyday for 21 days, I will post inspiring scripture verses for you all to reflect on and to be encouraged by. If you have thoughts on the reflections that you would like to share with the group, use the comment boxes below the posts. I hope you all enjoy it!
As the rain and the snow
Come down from heaven,
And do not return to it
Without watering the earth
And making it bud and flourish,
So that it yields seed for the sower
And bread for the eater,
So is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
But will accomplish what I desire
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
– Isaiah 5 5 : 1 0 - 1 1


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