We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

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you may do so at

Your Sisters in Christ!
The Mothers and Others Board

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Rosary Workshop

January 15, 2013


Anyone who is interested in making Seven Sorrows Rosaries for the St. Martha’s parish apostalate, please stay after Tuesday’s, January 15th general meeting and there will be a rosary making workshop. All supplies will be provided.

An RSVP would be appreciated so that adequate supplies are available for everyone. Please RSVP Debbie Bertran at email sistadeb1@verizon.net by Sunday night.

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