We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

If you need to contact us for any reason,
you may do so at

Your Sisters in Christ!
The Mothers and Others Board

Monday, March 11, 2013



From the Coordinator

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow, what a year this is!  The time is flying by.  Here we are, it's already March.  Just two more months and this year of Mothers and Others is over.  However. it is not over yet and we still have incredible speakers to hear and an awesome fundraiser to throw.  I hope all of you will be attending this year's fundraiser in our new beautiful building.  If tickets are purchased before April 10th they are only $75 per couple otherwise they are $50 each.

This month's speaker is Linda Donnelly.  She did such a phenomenal job on her topic of relationships last month we asked her to return this month to finish it.

All board positions have been filled.  We will vote on those in April and install the new board in May.

If there are any questions please feel free to call me.

Davene Franklin.


Bible Study:  We are continuing with our study of "Beginning Apologetics". Please join us. Each week is a different subject and we welcome you to listen in. Social time 10:15-10:30. The study starts at 10:30. As always, childcare is provided.

Book Club:   Please, join us April 2nd  at the Starbucks on Murrieta Hot Springs Road at 7:00 p.m. We will be discussing The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling

Play Group: March 13:  3:00 pm Temecula Valley Strawberry Farms for strawberry picking.  This is later than normal so mom's with older kids can come after school.
March 20:  9:30 am Antelope Hills park off Clinton Keith. 

March 27:  9:30 am Easter Egg Hunt at Firefighters park.  Please bring 10 filled eggs for each child.
April 3:  9:30 am  Temeku Park
April 10:  9:30 am.  Winchester Creek Park (the park by Winco)

Recipe Club:  This month Recipe Club will be meeting on Tuesday, March 19 at 11 am at Georgina's house.  The theme is "5 ingredients or less."  That does not include salt, pepper, oil (the basics).  So make a quick and easy 5 ingredient or less dish, make copies of your recipe and join us.   Does not need to be a main dish.  Can be side dish, salad, or desert.  Please RSVP to j.mitchell123@verizon.net

Scrappers Club: Every Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Cynthia’s house. For more info call Cynthia
Tennis Club: Every Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Cynthia’s house. No Tennis Club on Nov 30. For more info call Cynthia

Wine Club: Wine Club for April will be on Friday April 19, 2013 @ 7 PM.  MaryEllen & Dan Farrar will be hosting it and the theme is "Chardonnay"  For more info call Maryellen  or Maureen Dickinson  Please, RSVP by April 18th   If you don’t drink white, you can bring something else.

Other News:  If you would like to receive weekly mass missals for your kids, please contact Heidi Jewell by March 15th. Cost is about $17. You will need to pick up a packet monthly.

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