We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

If you need to contact us for any reason,
you may do so at

Your Sisters in Christ!
The Mothers and Others Board

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Recap from the meeting 2/12/2013 and reminders

Wow what a great meeting today ladies! It was nice seeing everyone today. For those of you who missed the meeting we learned about relationships and communication. A few highlights for those who missed it.

  • We all need balance
  • It is impossible to talk rational with someone who is emotionally flooded
  • Instead of offering answers to an emotionally flooded person give positive validation 
  • Find a solution together once both parties are balanced again
  • Sometimes we all need to call a timeout
  • Keep your expectations realistic. (Don't expect him to bring you flowers if he never has before)
  • Ask for what you need! Don't expect anyone to just know (Not realistic)
  • Finally, True love is accepting who someone is and loving them anyway.
A few additional reminders from our meeting:
  1. Tickets are on sale for our big event. The event is May 11th, take advantage of the early bird discounts! If you purchase by April 15th it is only $75 a couple.
  2. It is time to for elections again! Anyone interested in joining the board needs to contact Davene!
  3. Bible study meets again Thursday

Don't forget tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and it is a day of fasting and abstinence! Below is a list of the masses in the area.

St. Martha's
7:30am Jose Toves †
Jeff Allen
12pm Lit. w/Distribution of Ashes (Eng.)
4pm Lit. w/Distribution of Ashes (Eng.)
6pm Lit. w/Distribution of Ashes (Eng.)
8pm Lit. w/Distribution of Ashes (Bil.)

St. Catherine's
7:00 AM English
12:15 PM English
6:00 PM English
8:00 PM Spanish
Blessed Teresa
7:30 am English
4:30 pm English
6:00 pm Spanish
7:30 pm English
Ok if I missed anything let me know and I hope you all have a fabulous Ash Wednesday, Valentine's day and the rest of the week!

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