We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

If you need to contact us for any reason,
you may do so at

Your Sisters in Christ!
The Mothers and Others Board

Saturday, September 6, 2014

With heavy hearts and tear filled eyes
family and friends bid you goodbye.
Gathered this day united in sorrow,
yet sure in faith of a brighter tomorrow.

Although you've gone, we feel you near.
You are so loved by everyone here.
You touched our lives in numerous ways.
and brightened many of our days.

Sharing memories of time with you
is something that we love to do.
We laugh, we cry, with joy and pain.
Goodbye for now, until we meet again.

Heavy Hearts
by Ron Tranmer

It is with a very heavy heart that we must share the sad news of the passing of a extraordinary women. Our beloved sister in Christ, Cynthia, passed away 10:53 pm on Friday, September 5, after the family had said their bedtime prayers and after the wonderful prayer vigil earlier that evening. Thank you for keeping her family in your prayers during this very difficult time. We will share the memorial service details as arrangements are made.

October 2014 GALA

Mothers & Others is hosting their 16th annual fundraiser on 

Saturday, October 18th, 2014. 

We are in need of donations. If you own a business or have new items that you would like to donate, please contact Michelle at Stmarthamo@gmail.com. 
Your business and or service will be recognized in our program. 

*All proceeds will be used toward sponsored Family Church Events, Child Care Room and Religious Education.