We hope each one of you had a relaxing winter break! Spring is right around the corner and we have some exciting events coming soon! Check back for more information on our upcoming meetings and the Easter Extravaganza! Hope to see you all there!

If you need to contact us for any reason,
you may do so at

Your Sisters in Christ!
The Mothers and Others Board

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and time spent with families. We are kicking off 2015 with a membership brunch January 13th at 9:30am in the New Life Center. Please bring a dish to share and join us as we welcome Adam from "Be Ready", a disaster awareness program. Although we hope to never experience a disaster here or anywhere ...things do happen...Snow in Murrieta ??

We will also be accepting nominations for next years Board of Directors and we ask that you prayerfully think about donating your time to our wonderful group.

We encourage you to bring a friend or two and as always babysitting is provided for members.